About Exams
SecureExam provides an easy and logical way to create exams, because unlike other platforms you do not need to create exams and add questions at the same time. Here you can add questions and build your own question bank, and then create exams from it, as and when needed. This way you can re-use your questions and can optimize your content delivery.
The SecureExam Approach:
- Exam must be created under one minute. It should be as easy as Get-Set-Go.
- Your question bank should be independent from exams and it must be re-usable.
- Exams can be delivered to your candidates like in the blink of an eye.
Two way to create your exams.
- Group based exams (Candidate registration / account required)
- Link based exams (Candidate registration / account not required)
Creating a group based Exam
A group based exam solely allows the candidates of the respective group, which is
selected while creating the exam, to take that particular exam. Group
based exams can be created by selecting the “Groups” option while creating the exam
A group based exam once created cannot be converted into a Link based exam
Creating a link based exam
A link based exam can be taken by the registered / non-registered candidates, who
have the link of the respective exam itself. Link based exams can be created by selecting
the “Links” option while creating the exam itself.
A link based exam once created cannot be converted into a Group based exam.
Set a price for exam
You can sell your exams by setting a price for them. Please note that you will need a PayPal, Stripe or Razorpay verified Business or Premier account.
Please go to Exams > Advanced Options > Price for an exam to sell your exam online.
- Please specify the price, currency, TAX details, description and validity of your exam.
- Please specify the price, currency, tax details, description, and validity of your exam. A verified Business or Premier account with PayPal, Stripe, or Razorpay is required.
- Please specify the payment guidelines to the test takers
- Please specify your logo and business address you want to display on your invoice.
- You can allow your candidates to download the PDF invoice instantly upon purchase.
Please read these points before setting the price for an exam.
- The amount will be paid to your PayPal, Stripe or Razorpay account directly upon each purchase.
- You need a PayPal, Stripe or Razorpay Premier or Business account, Please contact PayPal.com for detailed information about Premier or Business accounts.
- Your PayPal, Stripe or Razorpay Premier or Business account must accept the currencyin which you are selling.
- The minimum price you can set for each exam is 5 USD or equivalent.
- Please note that your SecureExam account must be in any of the paid versions and you must maintain sufficient exam credits at the time of taking the test.
- No references to SecureExam are on the PayPal, Stripe or Razorpay payment pages.
- Payees do not need a PayPal, Stripe or Razorpay account. Payment can be made by any credit or debit card.
- PayPal, Stripe or Razorpay Fees: Standard PayPal charges for each purchase. (From 2% to 4.90%).
- You can also download the sample receipt that your candidates see.
- To view and manage all the payments, please go to Settings > My Sales
Please have a look at the Test Taker's Guidelines to see how it works at the candidate end. Click Here
Creating an exam package
Sell multiple exams (Test Series) in a single package. All the packages created will display on your store page. Please note that you will need a PayPal, Stripe or Razorpay verified Business or Premier account.
You need to create individual tests from the Exams page and select the option This exam is for package
Once you have created all the tests, go to Settings > Exam Packages
- Please specify the package name, price, currency, TAX details, description, and validity of your exam.
- You need a PayPal, Stripe or Razorpay verified Business or Premier account.
- Specify the payment guidelines to the buyers.
- Specify your logo and business address you want to display on your invoice.
- You can allow your buyers to download the PDF invoice instantly upon purchase.
- Select and upload the photo that best suits your package.
- Select the Exams you want to add for this package.
- Save this package.
- You will be able to preview this package.
- This package will be displayed on your store page.
Please read these points before creating an exam package.
- The amount would be paid to your PayPal, Stripe and RazorPay account directly upon each purchase.
- You need a PayPal, Stripe and RazorPay Premier or Business account. Please contact PayPal.com for detailed information about Premier or Business accounts.
- Your PayPal, Stripe and RazorPay Premier or Business account must accept the currency in which you are selling.
- Minimum price you can set for each exam is 5 USD or equivalent.
- No references to SecureExam are on the PayPal payment pages.
- Payees do not need a PayPal, Stripe and RazorPay account. Payment can be made by any credit or debit card.
- PayPal, Stripe and RazorPay Fees: Standard PayPal, Stripe and RazorPay charges for each purchase. (From 2% to 4.90%).
- You can also download the sample receipt that your candidates see.
- To view and manage all the payments, please go to Settings > My Sales
Sharing exam with candidates
Sharing of the exam with the respective candidates can be done as per the exam type. (Group based or link based)
Share group based exam
The "Exam Information" email will be sent to all the eligible candidates for this exam, including exam name, duration, basic instructions and username/password. (You can edit this email template from "Email settings")
Share link based exam
The exam will be shared with the candidates, who have the link of the respective exam. The link can be shared with the candidates in four ways
Share with Embed Code
This code has to be updated on your site, thus this becomes the link for the candidates. Show exampleHide example
Grading System (Marks / Points / Grades)
This feature allows you to customize the candidates' result view by including their grades or marks. It helps you categorize candidates based on their performance in the exam by applying a grading system.
This option can be selected or customized by clicking the “Advanced options” while creating the Exam.
Assigning Marks to essay type questions
You can assign marks to the questions (Essay Type) submitted by your candidates. Please go to Settings > Assign Essay Marks and you'll find the list of responses submitted by your candidates.
Click the "Assign" button so that you can see the question and the user's submitted answer. Now you can review the answer submitted and provide marks accordingly.
Creating and issuing Certificates
This feature allows you to assign Certificates to your selected candidates after the exam is taken by the candidates.
You can customize the certificate eligibility for the candidates / the eligibility of the candidates for certificates by selecting the “Certificate” option in the “Advanced Options” while creating the Exam.
You can also create / design your own certificate with the “Certificate Maker” feature. This option is available on your dashboard and in the settings.
Configuring Test Maker software
Test Maker Software supportively assists self study. Learners can select tutor or test mode. The questions can be chosen as per, unused, incorrect or flagged to prevent repeatedly asked questions.
You can enable Test Maker software from your administrative dashboard.
You need to decide the section list to show in Test maker for each group. You can assign sections to each group by
Creating a test-maker package to sell
Sell Test-Maker access to your students for various durations. All the packages created will display on your store page. Please note that you will need a PayPal, Stripe, or Razorpay verified Business or Premier account.
You need to enable Test Maker software and select sections (Subjects) for each group you would like to give test maker access.
Once you setup test-maker, go to Settings > Exam Packages
- Please specify the package name, price, currency, TAX details, description, and validity of your exam.
- You need a PayPal, Stripe, or Razorpay verified Business or Premier account
- Specify the payment guidelines to the buyers.
- Specify your logo and the business address you want to display on your invoice.
- You can allow your buyers to download the PDF invoice instantly upon purchase.
- Select and upload the photo that best suits your package.
- Select the Groups you want to add for this package. Candidates from the selected groups will be able to access the test maker software.
- Save this package.
- You will be able to preview this package.
- This package will be displayed on your store page.
Please read these points before creating an exam package.
- The amount will be paid to your PayPal, Stripe or Razorpay account directly upon each purchase.
- You need a PayPal, Stripe, or Razorpay Premier or Business account. Please visit the respective payment gateway's website for detailed information about Premier or Business accounts.
- Your PayPal, Stripe or Razorpay Premier or Business account must accept the currency in which you are selling.
- Minimum price you can set for each exam is 5 USD or equivalent.
- No references to SecureExam are on the PayPal, Stripe, or Razorpay payment pages.
- Payees do not need a PayPal, Stripe, or Razorpay account. Payment can be made by any credit or debit card.
- PayPal Fees: Standard PayPal, Stripe, or Razorpay charges for each purchase. (From 2% to 4.90%).
- You can also download the sample receipt that your candidates see.
- To view and manage all the payments, please go to Settings > My Sales
Managing candidates
You can control many options for candidates.
You can also select multiple candidates and execute actions in bulk.
Import candidates from Excel file
You can import / add new candidates in a group from your Excel file.
To import the candidates from the Excel file select the “Import Candidates” option from the settings menu on the dashboard.
Please double check the following points for uploading candidates from the Excel file.
- Your Excel file must be .XLSX (Not .XLS)
- Your Excel file column headers should be the same as defined in the template.
- The order for the column headers must be in the order defined in the template.
Configuring Self registration
The “Self Registration” feature is only available in paid plans. (i.e.Pro or Ultimate Plan).
This feature allows you to customize the mode of registration of the respective candidates. You can allow the candidates to register themselves in the group selected by you or you can also allow the candidates to register themselves in the group selected by them.
You can customize “Self Registration” feature by selecting the “Preferences” option in the “Settings” menu on the dashboard.
About sections
Your questions can be placed under a specific section (Subject or topic) so you can manage questions to use in an exam or by creating a question bank. There are no limitations for creating the number of sections.
These sections will be displayed while creating the exam, shown as below.
About Question types
This feature helps you to create and publish a question for your exam in your required question format. This feature provides you with eleven formats.
Multiple Choice (Radio buttons)
”Multiple Choice (Radio buttons)” question type is a widely used assessment format where candidates are presented with a question or statement followed by several answer options. Candidates must select the correct or most appropriate answer from the provided choices. This format is popular in educational assessments, surveys, and standardized tests due to its versatility and efficiency in evaluating knowledge and understanding. Show exampleHide example
Multiple Choice (Dropdown)
“Multiple Choice (Dropdown)” question type is a variation of the traditional multiple choice format where candidates select their answer from a dropdown list of options rather than radio buttons or checkboxes. This format allows for a cleaner presentation, especially when there are many options, and is commonly used in online assessments, surveys, and quizzes. Show exampleHide example
Multiple Correct
“Multiple Correct” question type is an assessment format that allows candidates to select more than one correct answer from a list of options. This question type is beneficial for evaluating a candidate's comprehensive understanding of a topic, as it encourages critical thinking and the ability to identify multiple relevant answers. Show exampleHide example
Grading system for Multiple Correct Question Type.
1. If all correct answers (and only correct answers) are selected then the system provides full marks. (i.e. 1 out of 1)
2. If only one correct answer is selected from multiple correct answers then it is provided 0 marks. (All correct answers must be selected and any wrong answer MUST NOT be selected)
Whereas in Tutor mode it will display the answer status (Correct or Wrong) as below:
1. If one correct answer is selected then no other answer status will be shown.
2. If one wrong answer is selected then all the answer status will be shown.
Fill in the blank
“Fill in the Blank” question type is an assessment format that requires candidates to provide a word or phrase to complete a sentence or statement. This question type is commonly used to evaluate recall, understanding, and application of knowledge in various subjects, as it encourages candidates to actively retrieve information from memory. Show exampleHide example
“Matching” question type is an assessment format where candidates are required to pair items from the dropdown list, demonstrating their ability to recognize relationships between concepts, terms, or definitions. This type of question is commonly used in quizzes and exams to assess knowledge and understanding of material in a compact and organized manner. Show exampleHide example
“Essay” question type is an open-ended assessment format that requires candidates to articulate their thoughts, ideas, and analyses in a structured written format. This question type encourages deeper thinking and allows candidates to demonstrate their understanding of a topic through detailed explanations and arguments. Show exampleHide example
Drag and Match
"Drag and Match" question type is an interactive assessment tool that allows candidates to pair items from two lists by dragging and dropping. This question format enhances engagement and enables users to demonstrate their understanding of relationships between concepts. Show exampleHide example
True / False
“True/False” question type is a straightforward assessment format that presents a statement to the candidate, who must then determine whether the statement is correct (true) or incorrect (false). This question type is widely used in various educational settings due to its simplicity and ease of grading. Show exampleHide example
Yes / No
“Yes/No” question type is a simple and direct assessment format where candidates respond to a statement or question with either "Yes" or "No." This format is commonly used in various educational contexts and surveys due to its clarity and ease of use. Show exampleHide example
All Correct
“All Correct” question type, all provided options are correct, but each option may carry a different mark value. This format allows for a nuanced evaluation of candidates' responses based on the perceived difficulty or importance of each option
Audio Answer
“Audio Answer “question type is an innovative assessment format that allows candidates to respond to questions using recorded audio responses instead of written text. This question type is particularly useful in language assessments, oral examinations, and any scenario where verbal communication skills are being evaluated.
Creating Questions
You can create your required questions from your administration account. Please note that you can re-use your questions in all of your exams.
Select the “Questions” option from the dashboard and then you can add your question and can also customize your answer patterns/modes.
How to add image to question
Click on image icon from menu bar
Upload and select the image you want to add to the question.
Please note: You can use the same image in multiple questions. Just open the Image Manager and select the image you want to add.
How to add a math formula to question
Click on formula icon from menu bar
Creating Directions for questions
What is Direction ?
Direction is the text/Image/Video passage displaying on the exam screen of the candidate. You can create multiple questions based on one direction.
You can attach the required image or video for the question with the help of this feature.
You can attach the required image or video for the question with the help of this feature.
“Directions” option is available in the “Advance Options” feature while creating/editing a question for the exam.
Importing Questions from Excel file
Instead of creating the questions online you can directly import questions from your already created Excel file.
“Import Questions” feature is available in the “Settings” option on the Dashboard.
Example of Excel file template
Please double check the following points while uploading questions from the Excel file.
- Your Excel file must be .XLSX (Not .XLS)
- Your Excel file column headers should be the same as defined in the template.
- The order for the column headers must be in the order defined in the template.
- Your Excel sheet's tab name should be "Add Questions"
- You can upload a maximum of 1000 questions per file.
Manage Question Feedback
While taking the exam, your candidates can submit feedback and you can see all the feedback submitted by candidates.
You can also reply to your candidates regarding their feedback from your administrative account.
From your dashboard, you can go to Feedback. Click on the icon shown as below.
You can see a list of feedback here.
You can reply to your candidates from here.
About Statistics and Reports
This area gives you a look at statistics about the exams taken. Specific analysis on candidates, sections, questions, answers can be available. This can help a lot in quality improvement.
Challenge Quotient (CQ) is the ratio of the number of times a question is asked to the number of times it is answered correctly. It is also referred to as the difficulty level of a question.
1. You can see a detailed report for each question for the selected section. (Subject)
2. **You can download the same report in tabular style in PDF format.
3. ***You can download the overall progress report in PDF format.
Question wise statistic report.
Question wise statistic report in detail.
** Question wise statistic report in tabular format.
** Overall Performance Report.
Please note: Statistics reports are only available in paid plans.
About Specific Exam Statistics
This report gives you statistics for the specific exam, i.e average score, average time taken, number of total attempts and the info graphical presentation of the candidate's score.
Item Analysis - Difficulty (p value) and Discrimination (d value)
After creating your exam questions and giving your test, how can you be sure that the questions are appropriate -- not too difficult and not too easy? How will you know if the exam effectively differentiates between candidates who do well on the overall exam and those who did not?
To determine the difficulty level of exam questions, a measure called the Difficulty Index is used. This measure asks administrators to calculate the proportion of candidates who answered the exam question accurately. By looking at each alternative (for multiple choice), we can also find out if there are answer choices that should be replaced. For example, let's say you gave a multiple choice exam and there were four answer choices (A, B, C, and D). The following table illustrates how many candidates selected each answer choice for Question #1 and #2.
Question |
A |
B |
C |
D |
#1 |
0 |
3 |
24* |
3 |
#2 |
12* |
13 |
3 |
2 |
* Denotes correct answer. |
For Question #1, we can see that A was not a very good distractor -- no one selected that answer. We can also compute the difficulty of the question by dividing the number of candidates who choose the correct answer (24) by the number of total candidates (30). Using this formula, the difficulty of Question #1 (referred to as p) is equal to 24/30 or .80. A rough "rule-of-thumb" is that if the question difficulty is more than .75, it is an easy question; if the difficulty is below .25, it is a difficult question. Given these parameters, this question could be regarded moderately easy -- lots (80%) of candidates got it correct. In contrast, Question #2 is much more difficult (12/30 = .40). In fact, on Question #2, more candidates selected an incorrect answer (B) than selected the correct answer (A). This question should be carefully analyzed to ensure that B is an appropriate distractor.
Another measure, the Discrimination Index, refers to how well an assessment differentiates between high and low scorers. In other words, you should be able to expect that the high-performing candidates would select the correct answer for each question more often than the low-performing candidates. If this is true, then the assessment is said to have a positive discrimination index (between 0 and 1) -- indicating that candidates who received a high total score chose the correct answer for a specific question more often than the candidates who had a lower overall score. If, however, you find that more of the low-performing candidates got a specific question correct, then the question has a negative discrimination index (between -1 and 0). Let's look at an example.
Table 2 displays the results of ten questions on a exam. Note that the candidates are arranged with the top overall scorers at the top of the table.
Candidate |
Total Score (%) |
Questions |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Daniel Miller |
90 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Helen King |
90 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Paul Nelson |
80 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Margaret Carter |
80 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Donald Parker |
70 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Lisa Edwards |
60 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
Kenneth Miller |
60 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
Nancy Roberts |
50 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
George Moore |
50 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Sandra Parker |
40 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
"1" indicates the answer was correct; "0" indicates it was incorrect. |
Follow these steps to determine the Difficulty Index and the Discrimination Index.
- After the candidates are arranged with the highest overall scores at the top, count the number of candidates in the upper and lower group who got each question correct. For Question #1, there were 4 candidates in the top half who got it correct, and 4 candidates in the bottom half.
- Determine the Difficulty Index by dividing the number who got it correct by the total number of candidates. For Question #1, this would be 8/10 or p=.80.
- Determine the Discrimination Index by subtracting the number of candidates in the lower group who got the question correct from the number of candidates in the upper group who got the question correct. Then, divide by the number of candidates in each group (in this case, there are five in each group). For Question #1, that means you would subtract 4 from 4, and divide by 5, which results in a Discrimination Index of 0.
- The answers for Questions 1-3 are provided in Table 2.
Question |
# Correct (Upper group) |
# Correct (Lower group) |
Difficulty (p) |
Discrimination (D) |
Question 1 |
4 |
4 |
.80 |
0 |
Question 2 |
0 |
3 |
.30 |
-0.6 |
Question 3 |
5 |
1 |
.60 |
0.8 |
Now that we have the table filled in, what does it mean? We can see that Question #2 had a difficulty index of .30 (meaning it was quite difficult), and it also had a negative discrimination index of -0.6 (meaning that the low-performing candidates were more likely to get this question correct). This question should be carefully analyzed, and probably deleted or changed. Our "best" overall question is Question 3, which had a moderate difficulty level (.60), and discriminated extremely well (0.8).
About Notifications
The “Notifications” feature is available on the Dashboard.
This is an online notice board for the students. You may add course details, time tables, upcoming exam and the syllabus for it.
Notifications added here will be recorded and visible in the candidate's account.
You can attach an image file, word file, PowerPoint file, Excel file and PDF file for your notifications.
You can assign the notifications to relevant groups.
You can also send notifications by emailing them to the candidates.
Sending mass email to candidates
You can also personalize your emails.
Customizing email templates (Data Variables)
You can select your required email template from the default options given.
Data Variables for each email template listed below:
Send sign in details to Instructor
##firstname## |
Instructor First Name |
##lastname## |
Instructor Last Name |
##username## |
Instructor Username |
##password## |
Instructor Password |
##orgname## |
Your Organization Name |
Notification email to candidates
##firstname## |
Candidate First Name |
Successful password change email to candidates
##firstname## |
Candidate First Name |
##url## |
Reset Password URL |
Forgot password email to candidates
##firstname## |
Candidate First Name |
##url## |
Reset Password URL |
Self Registration - Email verification template
##firstname## |
Candidate First Name |
##lastname## |
Candidate Last Name |
##verificationcode## |
Email Verification Code |
Send exam information to candidate
##firstname## |
Candidate First Name |
##lastname## |
Candidate Last Name |
##examname## |
Exam Name |
##availability## |
Exam Availability |
##duration## |
Exam Duration |
##questions## |
Total Questions |
##passpercentage## |
Pass Percentage for the exam |
##url## |
Your Candidate Site |
##username## |
Candidate User Name |
##password## |
Candidate Password |
##adminemail## |
Contact Email (Admin) for Candidates |
##orgname## |
Your Organization Name |
Send sign in details to candidate
##firstname## |
Candidate First Name |
##url## |
Your Candidate Site Address |
##lastname## |
Candidate Last Name |
##username## |
Candidate User Name |
##password## |
Candidate Password |
##orgname## |
Your Organization Name |
Sending SMS to candidates
The “Send SMS” feature is available on the Settings menu on the Dashboard.
You can also personalize the required format for the SMS.
About Instructor accounts
You can create/add your own required instructor accounts.
- You can create and set access rights for Instructors as well as other admin panel users.
- Exam Manager (Admin)
- Content Providers (Professors, Teachers)
- Data Entry Operators
- Assessors
- Paper Setter (In case of manual selection of questions)
Assigning access rights to the instructors
With the help of this feature you can assign various access rights to the created instructors of your particular/respective exams. You can set access rights in various fields like:
- Content Related
- Exam Related
- Candidates Related
- General administration
About Exam Monitor
Watch your exams live. You can see the current activity of your candidates such as taking (live), completed, dropped exams with their number of attempts, device name, browser, operating system, ip address and location details.
Live exam monitoring is made very handy and accurate with the use of exam monitor.
Back up and Exporting your data
You can export your data in popular file formats such as Excel or CSV.
You can also re-use these files to import your data again if you want to use it in future.
You can export data like groups, candidates, sections, directions, questions and exam history.
About exam security
You will be notified if the following circumstances take place during an exam:
1. If one candidate is taking an exam and someone signs in with the same username & password and tries to take the same exam.
2. If someone tries to copy/paste exam content by pressing the Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V or PrntScr keys during the exam.
3. It can also happen that the candidate is shifting to a new computer or device during the exam without "dropping" the exam, or presses some keys accidently.
4. You can allow or deny exam access from here if multiple sign-ins are found during your exam.
To enable exam security, please go to Settings > Preferences
Once you enable exam security, you can start getting alerts for security issues, shown as below.
About Trusted IP Addresses and network security
You can configure and manage trusted IP addresses/ranges to restrict your account access through those IP addresses only.
This feature is useful if you want to restrict candidate site access from outside from your organization.
Please note: Your candidate site will not be accessible outside this range.
About branding options (Themes, colors, logo etc)
This feature provides you the option for selecting the required display for your site.
You can select your required theme and modify header colours, left menu colours, button colours, footer colours and body background.
You can also upload your logo on your site.
About Re-Provision
The “Re-Provision” feature allows you to remove all your data and start as a fresh account.
By selecting this feature all your customized data will be removed except your exam count.
About Upgrading your plan
This is your moment of glory! Once you are convinced of the value of the product you can upgrade your plan, right from your admin account.
Please go to the "My Account" page from the top right corner of the dashboard and then select "Upgrade Plan"
If you do not renew your paid plan on the next billing date, you'll automatically be converted to the free plan. We'll not remove your data.
About error codes
Error 101: This error occurs when your available exam attempts (credits) have been used up, and your candidates attempt to take an exam. To continue administering exams, you need to either upgrade your plan or purchase additional exam credits.
If you are using a free account, please upgrade to a paid plan by clicking on the "Upgrade Now" button in your admin dashboard.
If you are already on a paid plan and your exam credits have been exhausted, you can purchase additional credits by selecting "Manage My Plan"from the dashboard.
Error 102: This error occurs when your last date of subscription is over and your candidates try to take an exam. You need to upgrade or buy exam vouchers in order to continue exams.
Error 103: This error occurs when your proctoring credits (exam attempts) are exhausted. To allow candidates to continue taking exams, please purchase additional proctoring credits.
API Documentation
- Welcome to the SecureExam API. You can get exam details, register candidates for an exam or retrieve exam report securely and easily with the secureexam API methods.
- The SecureExam API uses a private key for authentication and returns JSON. To get started, you need to generate the private keys for authentication for each method you wish to use. Please go to Settings > API and Create the private keys.
- You can also check the real-time response of the API from the Live API Test Page.
- To use the SecureExam API, you must include the private key in the HTTP request header for each request you execute.
- By default, all URL must be in HTTPS. The private key must not be added in an HTTP message or request.
- If you need further details, please contact us at [email protected]
Authorization Header
How to generate Authorization Header Value
You can generate AuthorizationHeaderValue by adding values in below order. (Seperated by column)
Your API Key:Method Number:Account ID:Timestamp in seconds
Example: dc44418a-4d64-4ca0-9e06-b61dfa4ecb44:1:879-17749:23762
To generate the Timestamp please convert current UTC time into seconds (Integer) by using your server-side programming language.
01: Get Exam List
This method returns the list of all exams.
URL: https://api.secureexam.net/exams.asmx?examlist
Request Data
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
page_no |
The page number of the total records. (E.g. 1) |
Integer |
page_size |
The number of records to retrieve per page. (E.g. 20) |
Integer |
privatekey |
Static text "APIKEY" |
String |
Response Data
Argument Name |
Description |
Return Data Type |
examid |
The ExamID listed on your administrative exam page. |
Integer |
examname |
Name of the exam |
String |
duration |
The duration specified for the exam. |
String |
totalquestions |
Total questions assigned to this exam. |
String |
02: Get results for an exam
This method returns the result of a particular exam, such as the number of candidates their obtained marks, the time taken and the overall percentage.
URL: https://api.secureexam.net/exams.asmx?Examhistory
Request Data
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
examid |
The ExamID listed on your administrative exam page. (E.g. 101) |
Integer |
startdate |
The start date for the records you would like to retrieve. (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Date |
enddate |
The end date for the records you would like to retrieve. (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Date |
page_no |
The page number of the total records. (E.g. 1) |
Integer |
page_size |
The number of records to retrieve per page. (E.g. 20) |
Integer |
privatekey |
Static text "APIKEY" |
String |
Response Data
Argument Name |
Description |
Return Data Type |
uniqueexamidentifier |
The unique ID generated for the each exam attempt. |
Integer |
candidateid |
The ID listed on your candidate page in the administrative console. |
Integer |
firstname |
The first name of the candidate. |
String |
lastname |
The last name of the candidate. |
String |
group |
The group name of the candidate. |
String |
email |
The email address of the candidate. |
String |
username |
Username of the candidate. (This can also be Email Address) |
String |
examstarttime |
The time when the candidate has started the exam. (As per timezone selected in your account.) |
DateTime |
examfinishtime |
The time when the candidate has finished the exam. (As per timezone selected in your account.) |
DateTime |
timetaken |
The time taken by the candidate to complete this exam. (In seconds) |
Integer |
attempt |
The attempt number of the exam. (If the candidate has taken this exam multiple times, each attempt will be displayed individually) |
Integer |
result |
The result of the candidate. (E.g. Pass or Fail / Grade A or Grade B / Good or Average). |
String |
percentage |
Percentage obtained by the candidate. (E.g. 92%) |
String |
score |
Total score of the candidate. (E.g. 184/200) |
String |
totalrowcount |
The total number of records found for this request. |
Integer |
03: Get Result for a Candidate
This method returns the detail about exams taken by a particular candidate.
URL: https://api.secureexam.net/exams.asmx?Candidateexamhistory
Request Data
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
candidateid |
The CandidateID listed on your administrative candidate page. (E.g. 101) |
Integer |
startdate |
The start date for the records you would like to retrieve. (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Date |
enddate |
The end date for the records you would like to retrieve. (yyyy-mm-dd) |
Date |
page_no |
The page number of the total records. (E.g. 1) |
Integer |
page_size |
The number of records to retrieve per page. (E.g. 20) |
Integer |
privatekey |
Static text "APIKEY" |
String |
Response Data
Argument Name |
Description |
Return Data Type |
uniqueexamidentifier |
The unique ID generated for each exam attempt. |
Integer |
candidateid |
The ID listed on your candidate page in the administrative console. |
Integer |
firstname |
The first name of the candidate. |
String |
lastname |
The last name of the candidate. |
String |
group |
The group name of the candidate. |
String |
email |
The email address of the candidate. |
String |
username |
Username of the candidate. (This can also be Email Address) |
String |
Examname |
Name of the exam. |
String |
examstarttime |
The time when the candidate has started the exam. (As per timezone selected in your account.) |
DateTime |
examfinishtime |
The time when the candidate has finished the exam. (As per timezone selected in your account.) |
DateTime |
timetaken |
The time taken by the candidate to complete this exam. (In seconds) |
Integer |
attempt |
The attempt number of the exam. (If the candidate has taken this exam multiple times, each attempt will be displayed individually) |
Integer |
result |
The result of the candidate. (E.g. Pass or Fail / Grade A or Grade B / Good or Average). |
String |
percentage |
Percentage obtained by the candidate. (E.g. 92%) |
String |
score |
Total score of the candidate. (E.g. 184/200) |
String |
totalrowcount |
The total number of records found for this request. |
Integer |
04: Create a New Group
This method creates the new Group.
URL: https://api.secureexam.net/exams.asmx?Groupsave
Request Data
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
groupname |
Name of the Group you would like to create. |
String |
description |
The description for the Group. |
String |
privatekey |
Static text "APIKEY" |
String |
Response Data
Argument Name |
Description |
Return Data Type |
Statuscode |
Status code returned. (E.g. 100) |
Integer |
Description |
Description of the API call status. (E.g. "Record Saved Successfully") |
String |
05: Get Group List
This method returns the list of all Groups.
URL: https://api.secureexam.net/exams.asmx?Grouplist
Request Data
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
page_no |
The page number of the total records. (E.g. 1) |
Integer |
page_size |
The number of records to retrieve per page. (E.g. 20) |
Integer |
privatekey |
Static text "APIKEY" |
String |
Response Data
Argument Name |
Description |
Return Data Type |
group |
Name of the group |
String |
description |
Description of the group |
String |
groupid |
ID of the group. (Listed in your group page in administrative account) |
Integer |
totalrowcount |
The total number of records found for this request. |
Integer |
totalcandidates |
The total number of candidates available under this group. |
Integer |
createby |
The name of the administrator or instructor who has created this group. (If the group is generated by API call the main administrator name will be displayed) |
String |
createdate |
The date and time when this group was created. |
DateTime |
06: Create a New Candidate
This method creates a new candidate.
URL: https://api.secureexam.net/exams.asmx?Candidatesave
Request Data
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
firstname |
The First Name of the candidate you would like to create. |
String |
lastname |
The Last Name of the candidate you would like to create. |
String |
street |
Street Number or Locality of the candidate. |
String |
city |
City of the candidate. |
String |
state |
State of the candidate. |
String |
zip |
Zip of the candidate. |
String |
country |
Country of the candidate. |
String |
phone |
Phone of the candidate. |
String |
mobile |
Mobile number of the candidate. |
String |
email |
Email Address of the candidate. |
String |
username |
Username of the candidate. (This can also be Email Address) |
String |
password |
Password for the candidate account (Minimum Six Characters) |
String |
groupid |
Group ID for the candidate. (Listed on the Groups page in your administrative console) |
Integer |
isactive |
Save candidate as Active or Inactive (Provide True or False) |
Boolean |
privatekey |
Static text "APIKEY" |
String |
Response Data
Argument Name |
Description |
Return Data Type |
Statuscode |
Status code returned. (E.g. 100) |
Integer |
Description |
Description of the API call status. (E.g. "Record Saved Successfully") |
String |
07: Get Candidate List
This method returns the list of all candidates.
URL: https://api.secureexam.net/exams.asmx?Candidatelist
Request Data
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
candidateid |
The CandidateID listed on your administrative candidate page (E.g. 101). Please use 0 if you would like to retrieve all candidates. |
Integer |
firstname |
[Optional] The First Name of the candidate. |
String |
lastname |
[Optional] The Last Name of the candidate. |
String |
username |
[Optional] The Username of the candidate. (This could be Email Address) |
String |
groupid |
The Group ID of the candidate. Please use 0 if you would like to retrieve all groups. |
Integer |
email |
[Optional] The Email Address of the candidate |
String |
page_no |
The page number of the total records. (E.g. 1) |
Integer |
page_size |
The number of records to retrieve per page. (E.g. 20) |
Integer |
privatekey |
Static text "APIKEY" |
String |
Response Data
Argument Name |
Description |
Return Data Type |
firstname |
The First Name of the candidate. |
String |
lastname |
The Last Name of the candidate. |
String |
email |
Email Address of the candidate. |
String |
username |
Username of the candidate. (This can also be Email Address) |
String |
group |
Group name of the candidate. |
String |
candidateid |
The ID listed on your candidate page in the administrative console. |
String |
totalrowcount |
The total number of records found for this request. |
Integer |
createby |
The name of the administrator or instructor who has created this candidate. (If the candidate is generated by API call the main administrator name will be displayed) |
String |
createdate |
The date and time when this candidate was created. |
String |
08: Create New Paid Exam Transaction
This method creates a new sales entry for your paid exam or package. You can use this API for allowing access to candidates for the paid exam or package upon successful transaction from your payment gateway provider.
URL: https://api.secureexam.net/exams.asmx?PaidExamSave
Request Data
Parameter |
Description |
Data Type |
itemtype |
The Item Type for this sales entry. Please provide 0 or 1. (0=Paid Exam, 1=Exam Package) |
Integer |
itemid |
The Paid Exam ID or Package ID which your candidate has purchased. |
Integer |
username |
The Username of the candidate for which you would like to create a new sales entry. |
String |
transactionid |
The TXN provided from your payment gateway provider. |
String |
amount |
The amount paid by the candidate. |
Integer |
currency |
The currency in which you have collected this payment. |
String |
status |
The payment status returned by your payment gateway provider. (E.g. Completed) |
String |
createdate |
The date of the transaction. |
Date |
response |
The response envelope (XML or JSON) provided from your payment gateway provider. |
String |
paymentprovider |
The name of your payment gateway provider. (E.g. PayPal) |
String |
itemname |
The paid exam or package name which your candidate has purchased. |
String |
privatekey |
Static text "APIKEY" |
String |
Response Data
Argument Name |
Description |
Return Data Type |
Statuscode |
Status code returned. (E.g. 100) |
Integer |
Description |
Description of the API call status. (E.g. "Record Saved Successfully") |
String |
About candidate dashboard
When your candidates sign in for the first time, the very first page they see is the dashboard. We've designed an easy, simple and clear interface for candidates so that they can focus on your content.
Here are the key features of your candidate site.
1. Upcoming Exams - Here you can see the exams that are available to take.
2. Exam History - You can see your past exam history (Score Reports) here. Also you can re-take an exam from here if allowed by the administrator.
3. Test Maker Software - You can open the Test Maker software for self study, if your administrator has enabled it for you.
4. Exams Taken Count - You can see the number of exams taken, completed and dropped here.
5. Your Logo - Your Company's logo.
6. System Compatibility - You can check system compatibility, to make sure your hardware and software requirements are compatible with the system.
7. Video Tutorial - Guided tour of your candidate site. This video will explain common functionality for using the candidate site.
Before starting your exam (system compatibility)
From your candidate dashboard you can check system compatibility to ensure uninterrupted exam delivery.
If anything is not supported by your system, this utility will let you know in advance so that you can avoid interruption during your important exams.
Minimum System Requirements:
Supported Operating Systems - Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1 & 10| Mac OS 8 & above. | Android 4.1 & above. | iOS 6 & above.
Supported Web Browsers - Internet Explorer 8 & 9 (**Limited support), 10, 11 & above. | Mozilla Firefox 24 & above. | Google Chrome 18 & above. | Apple Safari 5 & above. | Opera 20 & above.
Minimum Screen Resolutions - For PC & Mac 1024 X 768 & above | For tablets & mobile devices 470 X 320 & above.
** Internet explorer 8 and 9 cannot display custom themes & colors. Only default theme will be displayed.
About taking exams (Upcoming exams)
- You can see exams available to take.
- Your exams will be visible ONLY at the start time pre defined by your administrator.
- The current time is displayed at the top right corner so that you can look for your exam accordingly.
- Your exam duration timer will start once you see the first question on the screen. You can use the complete time allowed for the exam as decided by your administrator.
How to Re Join the link based exam if lost due to technical reasons.
Before starting the test, you can see the Re-Join code on the exam page. Please save that Re-Join code in a safe place.
In case you lose access to the test due to technical reasons, you can use this utility to Re Join the missed test.
The Re Join code will be sent automatically if you have provided an email address before starting the test.
Please enter the Re Join code and click the button.
How to pay for an exam
Step-1: You can see exam price, duration and number of questions here.
Step-2: Please click "Buy Now" to purchase the exam you want.
Step-3: You can pay with credit / debit card or your PayPal account.
Step-4: Once you make the payment, please make sure to click the "Close" button.
Step-5: Upon successful payment, you can see a confirmation and download the invoice. You can take the exam instantly.
Before taking your exam, please read this carefully.
- Before taking your exam, ensure you are in a place where you will not be disturbed.
- Your answers are stored as you click, not at the end of the exam. That means you will not lose any work.
- If the exam has a time limit, you will see a countdown timer at the top right corner of your screen. If you run out of time, the exam will be finished automatically, and each answer will also be submitted for you so that you will not lose any work.
- Please do not use the "back" button of your browser as this will not work. To go back to the question, please use the "Previous" button from your exam screen.
- If your device or browser has a problem or they are closed, please re-open the browser and sign-in again, go to the "Upcoming Exams" and click the "Continue" button and you will be able to resume the exam you were on. You will not lose any work.
About Test Maker Software
Test Maker Software supportively assists self study. Learners can select tutor or test mode. The questions can be chosen as per, unused, incorrect or flagged to prevent repeatedly asked questions.
How to use Test Maker Software
1. First, decide how you want to set up test, Practice mode or Test mode.
2. Then go ahead and pick the questions from the options like: All questions, Unused till date, Incorrect, Incorrect and unused both, Flagged.
3. Also you can challenge yourself by selecting the difficulty level of the questions you want. From all/easy/average/hard.
4. Select the sections from the entered ones. (The in bracket numbers indicate the total number of questions available for testing and the adjoining bar shows the level of learners grip on a particular section.)
5. After you provide your choices you get the available questions for testing and then you need to specify the number of questions for the test.
6. The timer can be kept on / off as per your choice in both practice and test mode.
7. Lets start test.
Once you complete the test, you can see a detailed report on the correct, partially correct, incorrect or unanswered questions
Taking tests from mobile / tablet devices
SecureExam supports popular mobile and tablet devices, however overall exam experience depends on your device and network capabilities.
Please consider the below points while taking an exam from a mobile or tablet device.
1. Make sure your network (GPRS, 3G, 4G, 5G or WiFi) is well established. Fluctuating or slow networks can interrupt your exam.
2. Use the latest browsers for your mobile device. This system works perfectly with Google Chrome for Android and Safari for iOS. Please make sure your browser version is updated.
3. Enable JavaScript in your mobile browser. Some mobile browsers by default disable JavaScript for additional security, so please make sure JavaScript is Enabled.
4. Do not leave your exam part way through. If you are taking an exam even for the purpose of checking, "Finish" or "Drop" it properly otherwise the dedicated question pool remains in the mobile's browser cache, which leads to slow down of your device.
About retaking exams
You can re-take any exam set by your administrator. To re-take an exam, please go to Exam History and click the Retake button of the relevant exam.
Each retake attempt will be saved separately. Please note that each retake attempt will consume one "Exam Attempt" from your monthly billing or credit pack.
Please note that each retake attempt will consume one "Credit" from your monthly subscription or exam voucher.
About exam screen themes (Default)
We've provided exam screens designed as a result of deep research and experience, so that you can focus on the content, not on the interface.
Please have a look on the essential elements of the default exam screen.
1. Next Button: To go to the next question, use this button.
2. Previous Button: To go to the previous question, use this button.
3. Question List: You can go to any question by clicking here.
4. Current Question (Navigation): Showing the current question out of total questions.
5. Candidate & Exam Name: Showing candidate and exam name.
6. Section Name: Showing section name.
7. Clear Button: You can clear your response from here.
8. Flag Button: You can flag (Review / Mark) a question from here.
9. Drop Button: You can drop (cancel) an exam, by using this button. Please note that once you drop the exam, you cannot resume it, if the time duration ends.
10. Feedback Button: To submit content related feedback to the administrator, use this button.(e.g. "This question has grammatical errors.")
When your exam duration is about to be over and 60 seconds are remaining, the timer color will be changed like shown below. Once you have clicked on the last question, you can "Finish" the exam by clicking the Finish button shown below.
The color pallets on the question list (Left side) show the status of the particular question as below:
Gray - This question is not seen yet
No pallet - This question has been seen and attempted
Dark Gray - This question has been seen but NOT attempted.
About exam history (results) and your score reports
You can see all of your Exam History here. Once you click the exam name you can see the number of attempts for that particular exam. Then you can click Review and see the detailed report for the specific exam attempt.
At the bottom of the report page you can see the Download score card option (If your administrator has enabled it for you). You can download the score card in PDF format from here.
About notifications and file downloads
You can see all the Notifications published for you. Once you click on the notification list you can see a detailed view of the specific notification.
If your administrator has uploaded any files(Course Material, Exam Schedule etc), you can download it as shown in the below screenshot.
Managing my profile / account
You can manage your candidate profile from here.
You can also change your existing password from the same page.